[REMN] The Imperial Remnants
REMN are a guild that were originally formed from a few friends who left an alliance called The Imperial Guards, hence our name is The Imperial Remnants. we basically aimed and still do to be one of the high end Speed Clear Guilds.
The best thing about us is all the officers and the leader have a say in leadership so the guild runs more like a goverment as opposed to a dictatorship.
We are in the [SMF] alliance so we always have many succesful speed clears going on.
Most of us are very experienced in Fowsc, Uwsc and many dungeons. We do teach people but only if they have vent so they can listen to us explain the basics, also we prefer if you watch a video to begin with so its easier for us to teach.
If you are interested in the guild please contact the leader or one of the officers below.
Requirments -
Ventrilo: We much prefer guild members to have vent, as it is it is not vital to have vent there are some exceptions however not having vent will mean you will miss out on some of the speed clears that form and any other events or plans for the guild we have.
Speed Clears: You must have some experience in a spped clear or 2, Uwsc and Fowsc are our main runs and we would ask you to know a role in atleast one of them.
Leader - N U K Er
Officers - Jacka Sin
Cat Bladestorm
Avel Is God
X Monkey Boy X
Aich I Vee
The Imperial Remn
Alliance -
[SMF] Sweet Misty Fire
[REMN] The Imperial Remnants
[Dead] Dhuums Legionaries
[Cash] Farming All Your
[TFE] The Fallen Exiles
[GOLD] The Gold Fish
[WWII] The Longest Day
[puLL] Use Your Bow To